Monday, June 13, 2011

Facebook friend list - Hide from others

By default everyone on Facebook who visits your profile can view your friend list. You may be interested in showing the friend-list to people because you want that the common friends can find you through the friends.

On the contrary, there are many situations when you don't want to show your friend list to the person until he is your know or really a friend.

For example, many applications or your enemy may be interested to still friend information and misguide them.

So now, If you are interested in hiding the friend-list from non-friends, you must know that Facebook has moved hide option from Profile page to Privacy settings.

Please follow the following steps to do the same.
  • Login to your account, and got to Privacy Settings 
  • Under "Connecting on Facebook" click at "View Settings"
  • For "See your friend list" setting select "Friends only" from drop down
  • Done!!!

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